Let's walk through the process of mobilizing your staff and assets by navigating to the "Mobilisations" tab within your job. This specific section enables you to allocate on-site staff and assets for job execution. To begin, click on "Add staff."
Specify the relevant date and time frame for the job, indicating the start time, finish time, shift type, and whether a meal allowance is required.
Subsequently, utilize the drop-down box adjacent to "Staff responsible for booking" to designate a staff member responsible for managing the notification of booking for mobilised staff.
Next, choose the mobilised staff members or assets to be deployed on-site by selecting the options from the drop-down box next to the "Staff to be mobilised" tab. Multiple staff names and assets can be chosen simultaneously, noting that they will be issued the same time frame, shift types, and booking dates as the initially selected staff.
Once the mobilised staff or assets for the site is selected, click "Add mobilisations," and the booked site staff or assets will be displayed below as a draft. Clicking on "Finalise All Mobilisations" will make this information available on the staff members' app under "My Schedule."
Adding Travel In/Out Bookings for Mobilised Staff:
To include travel details for each staff member, click the red exclamation mark icon next to their name. The "MOB IN" column denotes mobilisation in travel, while the "MOB OUT" column signifies mobilisation out travel.
Enter the details for Mob In travel and proceed. This travel booking will then be displayed next to the nominated site staff member's name.
Similarly, enter the Mob Out details for each site staff. After entering all travel bookings, click "Finalise all mobilisations." The status of the mobilisation will change from Draft to Active.
Editing a Mobilisation:
Individual mobilisations can be edited by selecting the pencil icon next to each site staff member/asset.
Edit the mobilisation details individually. If there are changes in the hourly time frame or days of work for a staff member, remove the Mob In and Mob Out travel bookings allocated for that staff by clicking on the blue circle next to the travel booking and choosing "Remove booking."
Once travel bookings are removed, edit the details of the staff mobilisation by selecting the pencil icon next to the staff member's mobilisation to be adjusted. Click "Update basic details." The edited mobilisation will remain as a draft until "Finalise all mobilisations" is pressed.
Deleting a Mobilisation:
To delete a mobilisation, first, remove the Mob In and Mob Out travel bookings. Click the blue information icon next to the Mob In section and press "Remove booking." Follow the same process for Mob Out travel booking.
After removing both travel bookings, click the bin icon next to the site staff mobilisation to be deleted. Confirm the deletion when prompted, and the updated mobilisation after deletion will be displayed.
After mobilizing your staff, their schedule becomes accessible on the staff scheduler. Similarly, when you mobilise your assets, their schedule can be viewed on the asset scheduler.
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