To generate a quote you first need to set up a job. As soon as you have a client inquiry or quote request create your job by clicking on Field Service Jobs then Create Job.
You will be taken to the New Job page.
Click on the Client drop-down list to assign one of your clients to this Job, or press +Add Client to manually enter the information for a new client (if you add a client manually, the client will be saved in your Settings >Client tab for future use).
Choose a Status for your Job. (Please keep in mind if you are scheduling staff and expecting timesheet entries the status of the job needs to be in WIP or Scheduled with no PO).
Select a Job Location. Locations in this drop-down list are retrieved from the Settings>Locations tab.
Select a start date and end date for your project. (Please note when you select a start and end date for your job, if you mobilize a staff member past these dates, the system will automatically update these dates for you.)
Select a Client Contact (site contact) from the drop-down list, you can also add a new client contact by pressing +Add Client Contact which will then be available in your drop-down list. (If you add a client contact manually this will save the contact in your Settings>Clients tab for future use.)
Keep track of the percentage of the job that has been completed. This feature allows you to track the progress of jobs and ensure they are completed on time in a more accurate and transparent manner. Once the job is entered, you can always return to it to update this section.
To assign a specific colour to your job in your Staff and Site Schedule, turn on the Custom Job Color on Schedule toggle and select a colour.
Add any relevant Work Order or Purchase Order numbers from your client. You can add multiple Work Orders/Purchase Orders by pressing the +Add.
If you enter a Work Order or Purchase Order number you are also required to fill out the name of the client approving the work and their email.
You can select budgeted hours for this Job by clicking enable in use budgeted hours section.
When you click enable, you will be prompted to specify the maximum total number of hours of timesheet entries entered by staff on this job. Your staff will be prohibited from putting in any additional hours beyond the budgeted amount. If you need to add more timesheets but have gone over your budgeted hours, you can go back in and update the hours.
Select the Responsible Staff member who will be overseeing this job that can be nominated in the drop-down list. (This drop-down list will pull a list of all your active admin users).
Select the Timesheet Type.
Enter a job title or short description in the Description text box, which will be visible on the jobs list page. Text can be copied and pasted into this field.
Set progress claims for long-term jobs by selecting Is this a rolling job. Once ticked the system will bring up a section where you can nominate the claim date and amounts of the claims to be made against the client, to create multiple claims press Add More. (If you miss it here, you can set up claims in the job's Invoice tab, you can also view your claims here).
To the far right, there is a section where you can specify the Primary Department for this Job.
The primary department specifies which of your company's departments the job income and expenses will be recorded against. You can only select one department.
Under Department tick the departments you wish to supply staff and assets for this job. You have the option of selecting multiple departments.
NB. You cannot book or mobilise a staff member on this job if their department is not selected in this list. To resolve this issue, return to the Job Details tab and select any additional departments from which you will need to book staff.
The final text box contains the staff portal description, also known as the long description.
This section can receive a copy and paste of any information you want your staff to have on their App. This could be a step-by-step process or a comprehensive scope of works.
Once all job details have been entered press Save Changes.
You will be redirected to the job itself, with its unique job number, where you will proceed to your next steps within the job. NB. Click on Edit Details if you need to make changes on the New Job page or to update to progress % to complete.
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