When you log in to the portal, you can use various search functions to find a job.
1. A job's start and end dates.
2. Filter by division- This will display all of the departments that have been created.
3. Filter by status- This allows you to filter a job by its status. For example, pending, scheduled without a PO, WIP, RTI, Cancelled, Lost, Invoiced, Not Scheduled, Quote Pending, Awaiting Variation, WIP-Progress Claims, On Hold.
4. Filter by location- The location of your sites, as well as any internal locations, will be displayed here.
5. Filter by clients- All of your clients will be listed here.
6. Filter by responsible personnel- All of your admin users will be displayed.
7. Perform a job number search. You can search by entering a part number; the full number is not required.
8. Look for Invoice ID.
9. Look up items by description or PO number.
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