Let's go over the process for approving or rejecting a leave request. Make sure your departments' leave approvers are set up by clicking here.
The email requesting approval of the leave will be forwarded to the leave approver. The leave approver must sign in and then select the Staff Times tab before selecting the Leave Requests tab. The request for annual leave will appear under PENDING and be open to approval or denial.
The pop-up shown below will appear after approval.
The status of the leave request will now read "Approved." You can reject an offer by clicking the red "Reject" button.
To view the status of their leave request, employees must sign into their staff app. (Staff members may withdraw their request by selecting Cancel Request.) The cancellation request will be sent via email to the person who approves leaves.)
Once leave requests have been approved, Admin users can now view all approved leave on the Staff Scheduler under the Schedules tab.
Admin Users can now view all approved leave dates on the Staff Scheduler which will appear in the colour that was selected when setting up the leave option. Have more visibility on available staff with this feature when planning upcoming jobs.
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