The Approval Checklist inside of a Job, allows your staff to ensure vital actions are completed on a Job before the status is changed to Ready to Invoice.
To Create or Edit a Job approval checklist go to Approval Checklist Items in Settings.
To add an item to the checklist, press the Add New Item button at the lower part of the screen.
Enter the details and heading of the item and press Create.
To move an item into a new position or order in the checklist, hover your mouse over the three dots to the left of each item, click and drag the item to its new position in the list.
To Edit a current line item, click the Pencil Icon to the right of each Item. Make your changes and click Save.
The checklist works by supplying a Tick to the right of each Item, like below. When the tick is clicked by an Admin User the button to the right turns green. Showing you which tasks have been completed. The task also shows you a time and date stamp of who completed each item and when.
(If you need to, you can also un-complete the task by hovering your mouse over the task (which will then show in red) and clicking the button again to un-complete.)
Once you have completed a task the Checklist Task Updated! will pop up.
When all items are set to complete the Approve Job Button become available for Admin Users to click on to approve the Job.
A notification will appear to advise clicking OK will set the status of the Job into Ready to Invoice.
Once you press OK the status is changed in Job Details to RTI and the Approval Checklist is locked.
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