Add in your common products and product codes associated with your suppliers to make it easier when entering a quote. This feature makes its quicker when you have reccurring purchases with your suppliers by simply selecting the products from a drop-down list once you have entered them into your portal.
In Settings click on your Supplier Companies. Select the supplier by clicking on Edit you wish to add products to.
Click on Add Code.
Fill in the Code section with your product code details then click Save.
Click on Add Product and fill in the details on the Create Product page and then Save.
Created Product successfully pop will appear once saved. This product will now appear when entering a quote for that supplier.
When you create a Purchase Request which can be done within a job or in the Purchases tab. Select the supplier you added the product to. Click on Create Purchase Request fill in the Quote value and click on Submit.
You will come to the Purchase Request page. Fill in the fields and scroll down to the Purchase Request Items section. In the item field the products entered will now appear in this drop down. Once the items are selected all fields will prepopulate. All that is required to fill in is the Quantity section and Unit Type. The total should match the quote value entered in the Quote uploaded section, then scroll to the top and click on Save All.
Successfully updated purchase request pop will appear and the status will change from DRAFT to OPEN.
If this is going to be a re-occurring purchase from this supplier, you can Set as Recurring. Fill in the fields and scroll to the end and click on Submit.
The Marked as recurring Successfully! pop will appear. This has successfully been scheduled to create this purchase request recurring giving you time back in your day. Click on the red Remove Recurrence button if you wish to stop this recurring request.
You can also edit Products and Product Codes by clicking on the pencil icon when in the Edit Products tab in your supplier. Once any changes have been made press Save to update your changes. These new changes will appear when entering a quote for that supplier.
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