Click on Settings.
Then click on your Company Name in Billable Companies.
Select Clients Tab. This will bring up a list of all clients in your SprintSuite Portal, to sync a specific client over to Xero. Click Set Up Xero Customer next to the corresponding client.
SpintSuite will search Xero any existing customers by this name. If there is no record in Xero, a message will appear “no contact found”, you can then click Create New Customer in Xero.
Your client is now set up as a customer in Xero when the red link symbol appears.
If SprintSuite finds a customer match for your Client in Xero the page will look like the below. Click on the tick box to the left to confirm this is the customer you wish to link the SprintSuite.
If it is not the correct customer to sync with Xero, then leave the check box un-checked, investigate why there is a similar name in Xero, consider differentiating to avoid confusion and proceed to press Create New Customer in Xero.
Now press Link Xero Customer. Your SprintSuite client is now linked to your 'Xero customer' in your Xero platform and ready for invoicing.
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